Modeling and complex analysis of simple model of building - static, modal, seismic analysis - Fidesys 4.0

graphics axis on
create surface rectangle width 10 zplane 
webcut body 1  with plane xplane offset 0 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset 1.5 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset 3 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset 4 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset -1.5 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset -3 merge 
webcut body all with plane xplane offset -4 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset 1.5 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset 3 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset 4 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset -1.5 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset -3 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset -4 merge 
webcut body all with plane yplane offset 0 merge 
surface all size auto factor 7
undo group begin
surface all size auto factor 7
mesh surface all
Surface all copy move z 3 
Surface all copy move z 6 
label vertex off
move Surface all z 3 include_merged 
create curve vertex 194 312  
create curve vertex 312 393  
create curve vertex 393 474  
create curve vertex 98 276  
create curve vertex 507 357  
create curve vertex 357 438  
create curve vertex 122 289  
create curve vertex 289 370  
create curve vertex 370 451  
create curve vertex 218 325  
create curve vertex 325 406  
create curve vertex 406 487  
label vertex id
create vertex 4 4 0 
create vertex 4 -4 0 
create vertex -4 -4 0 
create vertex -4 4 0 
create curve vertex 526 518  
create curve vertex 525 500  
create curve vertex 524 506 
create curve vertex 527 122  
merge vertex all 
label vertex off
curve 820 817 823 826 819 816 822 825 818 815 821 824 829 828 830 827  interval 5
curve 820 817 823 826 819 816 822 825 818 815 821 824 829 828 830 827  scheme equal
curve 820 817 823 826 819 816 822 825 818 815 821 824 829 828 830 827  interval 5
curve 820 817 823 826 819 816 822 825 818 815 821 824 829 828 830 827  scheme equal
mesh curve 820 817 823 826 819 816 822 825 818 815 821 824 829 828 830 827 
create material 1 from 'Steel'
create material 2
modify material 2 name 'Concrete'
modify material 2 set property 'MODULUS' value 3e+10
modify material 2 set property 'POISSON' value 0.3
modify material 2 set property 'DENSITY' value 2500
set duplicate block elements off
block 1 add surface all
block 1 name 'Concrete-shells'
set duplicate block elements off
block 2 add curve 828 815 816 817 820 819 818 829 830 821 822 823 826 825 824 827 
block 2 name 'Concrete-beams'
set duplicate block elements off
block 3 add curve 773 774 742 803 804 684 713 714 671 685 682 679 675 687 690 693 769 770 739 800 801 681 709 710 764 765 735 796 797 678 704 705 707 703 676 798 795 737 766 762 778 780 748 807 808 688 719 721 673 686 683 680 677 689 692 695 812 809 806 794 799 802 805 789 732 745 743 740 736 747 750 753 730 744 741 738 734 746 749 752 
block 3 name 'Reinforcement1'
set duplicate block elements off
block 4 add curve 586 600 597 594 590 602 605 608 629 630 598 659 660 540 569 570 566 565 537 657 656 595 626 625 620 621 591 652 653 534 560 561 563 559 532 654 651 593 622 618 634 636 604 663 664 544 575 577 588 601 599 596 592 603 606 609 645 661 658 655 650 662 665 668 529 542 539 536 533 545 548 551 527 541 538 535 531 543 546 549 
block 4 name 'Reinforcement2'
set duplicate block elements off
block 5 add curve 391 392 387 388 389 390 516 510 521 517 511 518 509 515 514 519 512 520 513 462 457 506 508 451 492 454 486 456 478 452 477 507 453 458 461 459 455 460 482 397 416 448 449 450 394 398 402 421 395 401 396 415 393 431 400 425 446 399 447 404 485 481 476 474 490 464 442 444 501 385 383 426 422 417 419 433 407 405 524 465 
block 5 name 'Reinforcement3'
set duplicate block elements off
block 6 add curve 83 77 163 113 115 107 101 309 103 102 109 157 71 119 125 65 126 53 131 59 245 150 151 347 355 341 366 346 370 322 343 345 357 371 351 342 353 349 365 359 297 269 221 274 249 303 227 250 251 257 261 275 197 174 203 215 263 255 298 209 239 191 335 47 95 165 159 153 154 178 137 89 377 233 318 281 294 295 301 307 
block 6 name 'Reinforcement4'
Volume all visibility on
Surface all visibility on
Curve all visibility on
Vertex all visibility on
create shell properties 1
modify shell properties 1 layer count 1
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 thickness 0.3
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 material 2
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 angle 0
modify shell properties 1 layer 1 cs 1
modify shell properties 1 eccentricity 0.5
modify shell properties 1 layer direction normal
modify shell properties 1 thickness_change on
block 'Concrete-shells' element shell order 1
block 'Concrete-shells' shell properties 1
create beam properties 1
modify beam properties 1 type 'Rectangle'
modify beam properties 1 angle 0.0
modify beam properties 1 ey 0.0
modify beam properties 1 ez 0.0
modify beam properties 1 geom_B 0.4
modify beam properties 1 geom_H 0.4
modify beam properties 1 mesh_quality 6
modify beam properties 1 warping_dof on
block 'Concrete-beams' material 2 cs 1 element beam order 1
block 'Concrete-beams' beam properties 1
draw beam block all
create beam properties 2
modify beam properties 2 type 'Ellipse'
modify beam properties 2 angle 0.0
modify beam properties 2 ey 0.0
modify beam properties 2 ez 0.0
modify beam properties 2 geom_a 0.03
modify beam properties 2 geom_b 0.03
modify beam properties 2 mesh_quality 6
modify beam properties 2 warping_dof on
block 3 to 6 material 1 cs 1 element beam order 1
block 3 to 6 beam properties 2
draw beam block all
create displacement  on vertex 525 524 526 527  dof all fix  
create gravity global
modify gravity 1 dof 3 value -9.81
analysis type eigenfrequencies dim3 preload off
output nodalforce off energy off record3d on material off effective_mass on rotation_center 0 0 0 fullperiodic off
analysis type eigenfrequencies elasticity dim3 preload on
eigenvalue find 10 smallest
calculation start path 'C:/Users/User/Documents/CAE-Fidesys-4.0/building.pvd'